Sunday, May 19, 2013

Real talk!

Ok gig is up! This is Stephen Ostler, if you didn't know although my user name kind of gives it away.   I have to admit this class has boost my creativity I feel and inspired me to follow my dreams. Thank you to Mr. Nelson and all my fellow class mates. High school was a great time and I made so many friends that I'm very grateful for. I'm going to miss everyone so much and just moving on is gonna be super hard for me but I have to grow up sometime. Congrats Class of 2013!  U all rock! Now let's go and create something great!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

cool Fcat

It dseont mtaetr waht oredr the ltetres are, but as lnog as the fsirt and lsat ltters are in pacle you can uendsratnd the snteecne.

I Remember

I remember the days you would go to a store and buy a Nintendo 64 game, I remember when the only thing that buzzed in your pocket was a digital pet, I remember the pokemon invasion, I remember Y2K being the end of the world, I remember when time went slow, I remember when Kholers was still around, I remember when discs were square, I remember the first day of school, I remember looking into a bright future. RIP 1990's

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Intresting test

Q:There's 500 bricks on a plane. drop 1 how many do you have ?
Q:Name 3 steps to put a elephant into a fridge?
A.( the fride)
(2. Put elephant inside)
(3. close the fridge)
Q: what are 4 steps to put a deer in a fridge?
A.(1. open the fridge)
(2. Get elephant out of fridge)
(3. put deer inside)
(4. Close the fridge)
Q: Its the lion kings birthday and all the animals are there expect one. Why is that?
A.(cause the deer is still in the fridge)
Q: How can a old woman cross a swamp filled with crocodiles?
A.(normaly cause all the crocodiles are at the lion kings birthday)
Q: But the old lady still died how is that?
A.(she got hit by the falling brick)

How to unlock your ipod/iphone/ipad

1.Turn on device
2. Read Slide to Unlock
3. Press on arrow and slide
or in patricks words