Sunday, March 31, 2013

This is a duck


 May the force be with you   
I just cant wait for fun
Look out for the unknown hero
Everything looks perfect from far away
Merry Christmas and a Happy New-year
Amber! Amber! I love your feet
Love you like a love song
Wake me up when September ends
But my lips hurt real bad
And they lived happily ever after
Do something before it’s too late

You’ve got a friend in me
These pretzels are making me thirsty

Friday, March 22, 2013

Never ends

One line

"The river is famous to the fish"
 I texted several friends and random people this line, I got some interesting responses back!

- Hello & who might this be?
- There is fish in the river in alpine
- haha random?
- Mr. Nelson is bald
- What?????
- I'm sorry who is this
- is this some school assignment?
- ?????
- What?
- But are you a big fish in a small pond?
- Random but insightful
- What
- And the earth is rebuked by man
- There is no such thing as a lap. When you stand up where does the lap go?
- Who's this?
- okk
- What the heck does that mean, are you on crack?
- What? Haha
- Do I know you?
- The bunny would dance, the bunny would dance. This is what Grandma said to the fish. Have fun!
- What??
- Haha, what are you talking about?
- The loud voice is famous to silence
- umm okay. Who is this??? (Calls back angrily)
- How did you get my number?

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Say a word that stars with N and ends with N
   Comment the answer below

Thank you for being you!

Your an excellent character! Thank you for being you.
I say thanks for the adventures and travels we have
for the bravery you fought for me, for the laughter and
jokes we shared. I say thanks for you being you.
I hope to see you soon!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Inspiring quote of the month (March)

If you can dream it, you can do it! - Walt Disney

Welcome to space

A picture is worth a thousand words! The amazing thing is, we choose those words. You completed the story.  Space is limitless.  Just like our pictures should be. So instead of a thousand words, I see a limitless story. Find the picture cause space is limitless.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

My weekend Plans

This guy is a genius, Very funny

PSA: Death!

             Everyon DIES!!!, and there is even several deaths within your life time.  Dont try to rush it,  dont rush death! Everyone can not wait to graduate, and I cant wait either, but they act like they want to die faster, rush everything.
             You only go to High School once. You only see some of your friends right now, cause when you graduate some relationships die.  Happened to me in middle school, had a lot of friends that had to go to a different school, I can think of 18 but I only kept in touch with 2.  So just take things slow and enjoy life. The road has to end sometime and when it does thats right time to worry or get exicted.  Just enjoy life and don't rush death.